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3D Bomber
3D Bomber Screenshot 3D Bomber is (like the name suggests) a first person Bomberman clone, you take control of one of the 'Bomber men' and you have to kill the other guy using your bombs. You can only play multiplayer if you use a Modem/Network etc, otherwise you can play against the computer. The computer is not bad to play against, but really bomberman is designed to be played multi-player, so its much better to play against someone else. Unfortunatly there are only two different power-ups, an extra bomb and bigger explosions, but its still worth checking out because the 3D environment works quite well and makes the game quite fun to play. There is also a 3DFX version which can be found at the games homepage.

Download: Zip File
Publisher: Steve Don
Distribution: Freeware
Size: 223kb
Players: 1
Rating: 3/5

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