Italian Football Manager 2 is a football (soccer) managing game, as you’ve probably gathered from the name. You start up by chosing you team from a selection of 126 clubs, if you like you can start with one of the top clubs like Juventus, but I prefer to start with a lower division club and work my way to the top.
There are quite a lot of stats to browse through, the main ones are your players skills, each player has nine skills such as: shooting, passing, speed, crossing and so on, each of the players skills are rated from 0 to 500, so there is a great difference in players, especially if you compare the lower division players with those in the higher divisions.
As well as picking your team and chosing your tactics you can also browse your finances and increase your stadiums capacity if you like, the most interesting part of the game though is the actual games which your team players, these are shown minute by minute in a similar style to the Championship Manager games, all the interesting events from the game are displayed on the screen. There are quite of lot of different things that can happen during the game which make it interesting, and if your not happy with your performance you can always make a substitution.
Overall its a good game, there are a lot of players and you’ll have to manage your team wisley if you want to get anywhere, but you can only play a few seasons unless you register, and it would have been nice if you could compete against a friend or two, but unfortunatley its only one player. – Dean Hughes
Download: ZIP File Publisher: Charl Gerber Distribution: Shareware |
Size: 992kb Players: 1 |