Crazy Gravity

This is like Thrust if you have played it, except that in this re-make you are not trying to kill each other (this one is only 1 player), instead you have to collect items off different pads and take them back to the starting pad.

There are various obsticles to avoid and if you hit anything you die so you have got be careful. On the harder skill levels you have to collect more fuel than usual which gives it that bit extra but not much.

You will soon get bored of doing the same things all the time and there are only 3 levels unless you register. Also with it only being 1 player you can’t blow you friends up, so if it’s hot action your after you should check out Assault Wing, but it will keep you occuiped for a few hours, so its worth a try. – Mathew Watson

Download: ZIP File
Publisher: XLM Soft.
Distribution: Shareware
Size: 650kb
Players: 1
Rating: 3/5