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El Wormo
El Wormo Screenshot El Wormo is a snake game a bit different from the rest, its more than just collecting items to make your snake get bigger because this one includes moving walls, windmill type things, walls that can only be passed through when you collect certain things etc. So the game requires a bit of thinking if you want to get anywhere.

Although there are no sounds the game has some good graphic effects such as the walls changing shades, and when you hit a wall the sceen will shake around - which looks quite good.

If you like snake games then this one is worth getting, and it also features a high score table and different difficulty levels, which can be used to speed up or slow down the game, not bad at all. - Dean Hughes

Download: Zip File
Publisher: Tyler De Witt
Distribution: Shareware
Size: 128kb
Players: 1
Rating: 3/5

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