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Paddlers Screenshot This is another bat and ball game but multiplayer which gives it that bit extra. You can have a maximum of 4 players and you each have 1 side of the screen to protect. There are blocks in the middle which you have to get rid of and some of them give you and extra ball, extra shields and a massive bat which covers all your side. You start with 3 shields which are like lives when they are all gone you are out until the next level. If you survie to the next level you get bonus points depending on how many people were still alive, which is a good idea.

It's not a classic game with lots of lastibility but its fun for a while. - Mathew Watson

Download: Zip File
Publisher: James J.Saito
Distribution: Freeware
Size: 80kb
Players: 1-4
Rating: 3/5

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