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Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth Screenshot Scorched Earth is a very basic Worms type of game, each player takes control of a tank (or something similar) and tries to kill all the other players using various weapons which you purchase from the shop before each game. The winner of the game gets the most money, which helps you to purchase more weapons and equipment from the shop, there are some pretty good things to buy, such as shields and napalms, but the game is let down by two things. The first is the movement is very limited, to move you have to buy fuel, but this will hardly let you move anywhere, especially not up a hill, although one of the tanks allows you to fly, basicially you can move the tank upwards either left or right, but again you won't really get to move far. The other thing that lets the game down is it usally only takes one hit to kill, although it can take a while to get your aiming right. Despite those things though it's still a fairly decent game, and there are quite a lot of weapons with interesting effects, although the graphics and sounds are crap there's a fair bit of gameplay. - Dean Hughes

Download: Zip File
Publisher: ?
Distribution: Shareware
Similar Games: Warheads SE
Size: 707kb
Players: 1-10
Rating: 4/5

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