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Sherlock Screenshot Sherlock is a game of deduction, you have to solve logic puzzles by using the clues given to you, you must determine the locations of 36 blocks. You use the clues to eliminate possibilities until the location of a specific block can be determined. The clues are thing such as 'The Bike is next to the Red House', and the 'White House is not in-between the Boat and the Bald Man', but all the clues are in picture format, once you know what they mean the game is fun to play and there are hundreds of different puzzles. You can play the game single player or you can play a tournament where each person must attempt to solve the same puzzle as quickly as possible, a time limit can be set if you want. Over all it's a very good puzzle game, although at first it might seem quite difficult, if you spend the time to learn the game you won't be dissapointed. - Dean Hughes

Download: Zip File
Publisher: Everett Kaser
Distribution: Shareware
Size: 110kb
Players: 1
Rating: 5/5

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