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SkyRoads Screenshot This game is certainly fun to play if you like 3D platform games. There is no time limit to race against or competitors to race with but, a track with bad road service. The idea of the game is to get to the end of the track without fall off it, as it is meant to be in space.

You play the game by dodging areas of the tracks that are bad and plough along side of the track that is good. The track is separated by different shapes of platforms, some are higher than the others. The platforms are coloured in by the behaviour of the platform, red means that the platform will burn your car up. and light grey for a normal platform with no behaviour problem what so ever. In total there is 5 types of behaviours.

It can be frustrating as you keep falling off and then you have to start all over again, not forgetting where you went wrong. But it does get good when you know the correct route of the track. Sometimes a bit hypnotic when you are driving fast, seeing the different colours of platforms whizzing past you and that you haven't fallen off. - Paul Burden

Download: Zip File
Publisher: Blue Moon Soft.
Distribution: Shareware
Size: 420kb
Players: 1
Rating: 3/5

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