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Threat Screenshot This is a brilliant overhead shoot em up like alien breed but this is three player.

There are alot of weapons ranging from the trigun to the flame granades, you also get first aid kits for when you get hammered fom the aliens. There is a good variation of levels but the levels are only one screen big, they do not scroll which is a shame. There are also alot of options like battle mode where you can try and blow the crap out of your friends, but you can do that in the proper game if you get fed up with killing aliens.

You can change the difficulty level, so to start off with you can make it pretty easy and as you get better you can increase the dificulty. The graphics aren't bad and there are alot of different aliens to kill and there are things like switches to touch to open different doors, not bad at all. - Mathew Watson

Download: Zip File
Publisher: Fragment
Distribution: Shareware
Size: 880kb
Players: 1-3
Rating: 4/5

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