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X-Quest Screenshot X-Quest is a PC version of the old Mac classic Crystal Quest. You have to collect crystals while avoiding enemies, after you have collected all the crystals on a level the exit opens up for you to advance to the next level. The game gets progresevly harder with each new level because there are more mines to avoid, more crystals to collect and more enemies to avoid or destroy.

You control a type of circle cursor (like you do), the mouse give you total control and you can change the mouse sensitivity on the options screen.

I gave this game a high rating becuase not only is it different from most games but there are so many good things about it, you can save your 'replays', you collect power ups ranging from bouncing bullets to a machine gun, and you get a good feeling of accomplishment from beating your high scores. - Dean Hughes

Download: Zip File
Publisher: M. Mackey
Distribution: Freeware
Size: 260kb
Players: 1
Rating: 5/5

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